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Netball Netherlands League

Utrecht Netball Club is a founding club in the Netball Netherlands league. Find out more about the league, upcoming matches, and how to play below. 

How the league works

The Netball Netherlands League is a competition between eight Dutch and neighbouring country teams: Amsterdam 1, Amsterdam 2, Amersfoort, Brussels, Den Haag, Maastricht, Rotterdam, and Utrecht.


The 2024/25 season runs from October to July, with each team playing 7 matches. There are semi-finals and finals after the scheduled roster. 

How to play in the Netball Netherlands League

Each league team has to submit a team of 15 players at the start of the season. These 15 players form the base team for each league match.


If additional players are needed, UNC will ask for additional interested players. However, according to Netball Netherlands rules, at least 50% of the team on the day must be made up of the registered players.  

2024/25 UNC Roster

13/10/24: Maastricht (Away)

23/11/24: Amersfoort (Away)

14/12/24: Rotterdam (Away)

25/01/25: Amsterdam 1 (Home)

15/02/25: The Hague (Away)

15/03/25: Amsterdam 2 (Home)

17/05/25: Brussels (Home)

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